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Hi. I'm Lindsey.

Helping others has always been a passion of mine and a huge part of my eternal heart. I have struggled with skin issues myself, and know how it feels to not feel comfortable in your own skin. I became an esthetician to help myself and share my knowledge in educating others in hopes of helping them as well as making it affordable. I have always been drawn to the magical powers of the beautiful plant medicine that naturally grows on this incredible Earth. The products I use reflect that appreciation for the natural. I am a holistic healer. Seeing you and treating you as a whole. Our everyday environments and the energy that surrounds us in all aspects of our lives affects every cell in our bodies just as much as our regular consumption of foods we choose and external beauty practices. I am an open book happy to share my wealth of knowledge, not only in the external beauty regimen but the internal spiritual practices that have you glowing from within. I am honored to be able to customize it all for you and the incredibly unique and magical being that you are.  

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